Има загинали хора

Двама души са загинали, след като шлеп се заби в мост в Китай и го срути. Инцидентът е станал в делтата на Перлената река.

A cargo ship rammed into Lixinsha Bridge (沥心沙大桥) over the Pearl River in Wanqingsha Town (万顷沙镇), Nansha District, Guangzhou, at around 5:30am Feb 22. A whole section of the bridge is gone and several vehicles fell into the river. The cargo ship was traveling from… pic.twitter.com/YY3o1sQRUc

— Byron Wan (@Byron_Wan) February 22, 2024

Автомобилите, намиращи се по време на удара на откъснатата част на моста, са се изсипали във водата, съобщават местни медии.  

在中国南部广东省广州市珠江口附近的22日早上5时半(日本时间早上6时半左右),一艘货船与桥梁相撞,导致桥梁部分坍塌。当地海事当局发布了这一消息。据称有关桥上行驶的汽车坠落的信息,但目前尚未有关伤者等信息。据中国媒体报道,这座桥长787米,宽约10米。中国媒体报道的画面显示,桥梁在数十米范… pic.twitter.com/MaPDP6CFBM

— 燕先生@日本就职 (@cocochen2022) February 22, 2024

Кадри от мястото на инцидента показват шлепа, спрял между две колони на моста, част от чиято двулентова пътна настилка липсва. Властите разследват причините за произшествието.

Two people were killed after a barge collided with a bridge over a waterway in China's Pearl River Delta near Guangzhou city, causing part of the bridge to break off, plunging vehicles into the water, Chinese state media reported https://t.co/AXtp0I7S0d

— Reuters (@Reuters) February 22, 2024

中国・広東省で橋に船が衝突 橋の一部が崩落、走行中の車も落下か https://t.co/9bUOE44h0K 中国南部・広東省広州市の珠江河口付近で22日午前5時半(日本時間午前6時半)ごろ、運搬船が橋に衝突し、橋の一部が崩落した。地元の海事当局が発表した。

— 朝日新聞国際報道部 (@asahi_kokusai) February 22, 2024

#Breaking 🔺The captain of a cargo ship that rammed into a bridge over the Pearl River in #Guangzhou, southern China on Thursday morning has been arrested. At least one person is missing after the incident that sent vehicles hurtling into the water. 🔺The Guangzhou bus company… pic.twitter.com/WfDaO7qyKj

— Record GBA (@RecordGBA) February 22, 2024