10 души са в неизвесност

Шестима души са загинали при отварянето на голяма дупка в центъра на китайския град Синин. Други 10 все още са в неизвестност. Дупката се е отворила в час пик и погълнала автобус на градския транспорт, както и пешеходци.

30-метрова дупка се отвори на улица в Китай, има изчезнал (СНИМКИ)

Six people died and 16 sustained injuries after a bus fell into a hole caused by a road cave-in in China's northwestern Qinghai province yesterday. Identification of the deceased is still underway, local authorities said. pic.twitter.com/94qi33XxRw

— Yicai Global 第一财经 (@yicaichina) January 14, 2020

Видеозаписи от охранителни камери показват, че след пропадането на автобуса е имало и експлозия. Подобни пропадания на пътната настилка в Китай се случват често.

6 bodies have been found in the a road cave-in in northwest #China's Qinghai Province. A bus fell into a hole caused by a road cave-in at around 5:36 p.m. on Monday. #Rescue work is still tensely ongoing now for the missing. The cause of the incident is not immediately clear. pic.twitter.com/G2lAz8OD0S

— Economic Daily, China (@EDNewsChina) January 14, 2020

6 bodies have been found in the a road cave-in in northwest #China's Qinghai Province. A bus fell into a hole caused by a road cave-in at around 5:36 p.m. on Monday. #Rescue work is still tensely ongoing now for the missing. The cause of the incident is not immediately clear. pic.twitter.com/G2lAz8OD0S

— Economic Daily, China (@EDNewsChina) January 14, 2020