Потребители в социалните мрежи критикуваха звездата

Ким Кардашиян Уест е отпразнувала 40-ия си рожден ден на частен остров с най-близките си приятели и роднини. Риалити звездата беше подложена на критики заради организирането на пищното парти.

Колко получава Ким Кардашиан за заснемане на реклама?


40 and feeling so humbled and blessed. There is not a single day that I take for granted, especially during these times when we are all reminded of the things that truly matter. For my birthday this year, I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it than with some of the people who have helped shaped me into the woman I am today. Before COVID, I don’t think any of us truly appreciated what a simple luxury it was to be able to travel and be together with family and friends in a safe environment. After 2 weeks of multiple health screens and asking everyone to quarantine, I surprised my closest inner circle with a trip to a private island where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time. We danced, rode bikes, swam near whales, kayaked, watched a movie on the beach and so much more. I realize that for most people, this is something that is so far out of reach right now, so in moments like these, I am humbly reminded of how privileged my life is. #thisis40

A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on Oct 27, 2020 at 10:59am PDT


Тя каза, че е станала домакин на пътуването след две седмици изследвания и карантина. 

„Преди COVID-19 не мисля, че някой от нас наистина е оценявал какъв лукс е да може да пътува и да бъде заедно със семейството и приятелите си в безопасна среда“, написа Кардашиян Уест в Twiiter.

Ким Кардашиян пусна своя модна линия маски

40 and feeling so humbled and blessed. There is not a single day that I take for granted, especially during these times when we are all reminded of the things that truly matter. pic.twitter.com/p98SN0RDZD

— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) October 27, 2020

Ким Кардашиян: Шер е моята икона (СНИМКИ)