Част от успеха й се дължи на лапароскопска операция

Преди да реши, да пристъпи към лапароскопска ръкавна гастректомия, Джесика Адкинс се обръща към социалните мрежи, за да разреши проблема си с килограмите, пише „Пийпъл”.

Невероятни снимки преди и след… отслабване (ГАЛЕРИЯ)

Кой е най-бързият метод за отслабване?

Here's a #facetofacefriday better choices edition! The picture on the left I was having a milkshake. Picture on the right I was excited to finally find a good pizza alternative with a company I trust in @realgoodfoods ! I'm not saying milkshakes are "bad", I'm just saying drinking them doesn't help me accomplish my goals-so I don't have room for them in my life anymore. I only have room for things & foods that will help me. Strange to think it's been almost 2 years since I've had any real sugar at all! It was once such a huge piece of my diet, & now nothing. I feel SO much better without it honestly!!! Tonight I went to the movies with my best friend-what's yalls weekend plans?!• • • #wls #wlseats #vsgjourney #vsg #vsgeats #obesetobeast #food #inspiration #instagood #instadaily #keto #foodporn #foodie #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightloss #fitfam #fitspo #fitagram #realgoodfood

A post shared by Jess-VSG (@watchkittyshrink) on Jan 26, 2018 at 7:28pm PST


„Търсех по хаштагове за сваляне на килограми, и по-точно операции за сваляне на килограми”, казва тя.

Нов метод предотвратява затлъстяването

„Много се вдъхнових”, добавя американката, която преминава през процедурата в 2016 година. Оттогава досега тя документира дългия и труден път към отслабването в „Ютуб” и „Инстаграм”.

Barely made it in time for #motivationmonday ! Lots of new followers today...welcome y'all! I can very clearly remember the picture on the left. I knew button ups were "made small" so I had bought a 3X for an out of town concert. When I got there, an hour before the concert I tried it on & it didn't fit. The buttons didn't stay together. & I remember crying so hard bc 1. I didn't have anything else to wear 2. I was embarrassed that it didn't fit. So I wore it open with a tank top & pretended that was the style I wanted. Today I wore a size small button up-buttoned all the way & I actually felt cute in it. Made up for all my bad memories of button up shirts! • • • • #wls #vsg #weightlossjourney #vsgjourney #vsginstacrew #vsgcommunity #instagood #instadaily #inspiration #transformationtuesday #wlscommunity #fitfam #fitspo #fitness #obesetobeast #love #wlstransformation #weightlossjourney #weightlossinspiration #weightlosstransformation #bariatricsurgery #gastricsleeve

A post shared by Jess-VSG (@watchkittyshrink) on Jan 22, 2018 at 5:27pm PST

Джесика Адкинс решава, че ще помогне на други дебели хора при отслабването им, поради което започва да документира живота и борбата си с килограмите. Трудният път започва, докато тя тежи 130 килограма. Тя продължава да публикува клипове за успехите и проблемите си, а по-късно включва в тях и ревюта на хранителни продукти и добавки.

10 прости навика, които ще направят живота ви по-добър (ГАЛЕРИЯ)

Защо 30% от българските деца са с наднормено тегло?

„Свалянето на килограми е нещо повече от разликата на кантара. То е и една голяма психологическа борба”, казва Джесика, която е свалила килограмите до 68 за 30-тия си рожден ден на 7 юли, 2017.

Hello there! I've gotten a bunch of new friends here on the 'gram recently so I thought I would reintroduce myself. My name is Jess [ the kitty in WatchKittyShrink is a nickname] I'm 30 years. Single with no kids and an only child , but extremely close to my family. 90% of the content here will be about my weight loss journey. It began on April 28 2016. I was 285 pounds & I went to my first consolation for weight loss surgery. My insurance didn't cover it-so I paid cash in the United States! I lost 30 pounds on my own and then on August 23 2016 I had vertical sleeve gastrectomy. I've lost a total of 145 pounds. I haven't reached goal yet, but I'm still working on it! I have lost more than half of myself as I've lost 145 & I currently weigh 140 pounds. I'm hoping to reach goal by Valentine's Day this year. I post my food daily [usually] -I stick to the keto diet which I have been on for over a year now. I post transformation pics. Sometimes I post reviews. Over the last year & a half-I've taken control of my own life. I was to the point where I didn't wanna leave the house, now I do. I got a new high stakes job that I would have not had the confidence to go for before. I learned how to drive. My personal motto is "fearless is the new pretty" because I've stopped living in my comfort zone. I always get asked if I regret my choice. NEVER EVER. It's the best decision I've ever made. It changed my life all for the better. I also get asked what my advice would be for someone considering surgery. It's easy. START A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. I don't care if it's YouTube or Instagram. Start one. You *will* need this community. It's one of the greatest blessings in my life. All the friendships I have made-mean so much to me & I honestly don't think I would be nearly as successful without it. Y'all encourage and inspire me every time I open my apps. I LOVE YOU GUYS. If you read all this-give me a 😜 In the comments lol. TL;DR #vsg #vsginstacrew #vsgjourney #wls #wlsjourney #fitfam #fitspo #goals #bariatricbabes #love #instadaily #instadaily #inspiration #transformation #throwbackthursday #weightloss #keto

A post shared by Jess-VSG (@watchkittyshrink) on Jan 11, 2018 at 4:36pm PST

„Смятам, че ако говорех само за позитивните части на това пътуване, щях да върша лоша услуга на хората, които ме следят”, твърди тя.

От какви болести ни предпазва бавното хранене?

So I've lost 145 pounds-but I still dress like a lumberjack and I still get sassy when I wear boots. So I guess you could say weight loss hasn't changed me *too* much. Haha! Happy #transformationtuesday everyone! 😽😽😽• • • #wls #wlstories #vsg #vsgjourney #wlscommunity #fitfam #fitspo #fitgirl #fitness #instagood #instadaily #inspiration #weightlosstransformation #weightlossinspiration #weightlossjourney #bariatriclife #bariatricbabes #vsginstacrew #vsgbeforeandafter #love #ootd #keto #selfie #plaidshirt #boots #girl #keto #ketoaf

A post shared by Jess-VSG (@watchkittyshrink) on Jan 16, 2018 at 9:42am PST

Освен операция, тя предприема и радикална промяна на хранителните си навици. Преди е консумирала храна от заведения за бързо хранене по три пъти на ден, а сега е на диета, която включва минимален прием на захар и въглехидрати.

Тормозът на работното място повишава риска от диабет

„Казват, че алкохолиците знаят последния ден, в който са пили. А аз мога да ви кажа последният път, когато ядох хляб – 5 август, 2016 г.”, казва тя.

Освен това тя ходи на фитнес и се старае да се разхожда по около 10 километра на ден.

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