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Мащабната структура е с височина 21 метра
В Дания построиха най-високия пясъчен замък в света, пише БиБиСи. Той се намира в градчето Блохус в северната част на страната.
Have a look at world’s tallest sand castle in Sandcatle festival in Blokhus , denmark 🇩🇰,by dutch artist Wilfred strijgar , standing17.658m and the right one was tallest one of 3.5 m @RP_Sand @sudarsansand @SandArtistManas @OdiaCulture @VAdkri pic.twitter.com/mQq1QsjMUy
— Ranjit prasad Bhuyan (@RanjitGutu) July 7, 2021
Мащабната структура е с височина 21 метра, като за направата ѝ са използвани над 4860 тона пясък.
Heading to the beach this summer?? If you’re planning on building a sand castle…here’s some inspiration for you. The world’s BIGGEST sand castle was recently completed in Denmark 🇩🇰 it stands nearly 70 feet tall and is made of 5,000 tons of sand! (Source: @CBSNews) #podcast pic.twitter.com/YppQrGC5vU
— Catch Up Crew (@catchupcrew) July 8, 2021
Планът е замъкът да остане на място за желаещите да го видят до зимата.
30 of the world's most talented sand sculptors pitched in to create the the tallest sand castle on Earth! This intricate sand castle was built in Denmark and stands 69 ft. in height, using 4,860 tons of sand. Follow on Twitter @thenolatabloid pic.twitter.com/MaS6u3u7se
— The NOLA Tabloid (@thenolatabloid) July 7, 2021