News in English

News in English

22 фев 2023

Bulgaria is the only country in the EU that does not…

21 фев 2023

That was decided by the Supreme Court of Cassation

20 фев 2023

Milo Đukanović says he is grateful to Bulgaria for…

20 фев 2023

They were found in an abandoned truck near the village…

19 фев 2023

There were commemorative ceremonies in Sofia and Levski's…

18 фев 2023

34 people are still being treated in hospitals in…

17 фев 2023

Around 50 people were crammed hidden behind lumber

16 фев 2023

Their magnitudes were 3.0 and 3.2 on the Richter scale

16 фев 2023

One of the documents concerns the opportunities for…

15 фев 2023

It will be transported by a military plane

14 фев 2023

It was registered at 15:16 p.m. local time

13 фев 2023

There were no casualties on Sunday

13 фев 2023

Ambassador Jim O'Brien arrives on Monday

12 фев 2023

Working in a team with their three trained dogs, Nord,…

12 фев 2023

Interviewed on NOVA Syria's Charge d'affaires in Sofia…