The CHANGE is the music - a friend to all children!

Vicky and Yana set up Margaritka in a bid to entertain and educate the youngest children with music and video, as well as help their parents find a way to their children.

Victoria Velichkova is one of Bulgaria's favourite and most popular performers – she is the vocalist and text writer of band Mastilo. Although we mainly know her as a pop and rock musician, for many years now Vicky has had her own secret dream – to record a child music album. She decided to make her dream come true several years ago, realizing that there was still no quality children's music in Bulgaria – music that sounds modern and speaks the language of modern children. With the help of Yana's husband – the composer Krasi Todorov – and the support of some of the most famous musical artists in Bulgaria, she recorded a CD featuring contemporary arrangements of popular Bulgarian children's songs.

Yana Lipovanska has witnessed the whole process of creating and recording the songs. Only when her son Sava was born, however, she realized how enormously they are needed. As she took care of Sava, she quickly found out that there was no quality video and audio content for children in Bulgarian to offer to him. Thus, Yana decided to use her rich experience in the media business to create Bulgarian audio and visual content for children. She and Vicky united their ideas and set up the Margaritka project. They named it after Vicky's daughter, who was born in the year the project was conceived.


The  CHANGE they aim for:

Vicky and Yana believe that the simple things hide the genial solution to communicating with modern children the right way, finding the answer in music. Music is a wonderful friend of children; it is their therapist and emotional outlet, allowing them to express themselves. On the other hand, singing and playing an instrument at the same time allows every single family to share their closeness and joys. Margaritka combines music and new technologies in a bid to entertain and educate children aged up to six and help their parents. This is how it happens:

A CD called Margaritka gives new life to 11 of Bulgaria's most popular children's songs such as "Zaychentzeto Byalo" (The Little White Rabbit), "Zelenchutsi Koyto Ne Yade" (If You Don't Eat Vegetables), and "Mama Mi Kupi Dnes" (My Mum Bought Me Today). Vicky and Ana were able to attract some of Bulgaria's most popular singers to perform the songs, including Lyubo Kirov, Mihaela Fileva, Beloslava, Grafa, Orlin Pavlov, Maya Bezhanska, etc. Recently, the CD was included in a new special edition in a set with a CD featuring six original audio fairytales, told by actors Teodora Duhovnikova, Hristo Mutafchiev and Zahari Baharov.

Vicky and Yana invest all profited funds in building the first music playgrounds of their kind in Bulgaria. These playgrounds allow every child to touch the magic of music spontaneously and to develop their psychomotor capabilities through curious and fun activities. The first playground was opened half a year ago in Sofia's Geo Milev park and quickly became the favourite spot for outdoor activities for many kindergartens. In 2018, a new CD with more songs and a new playground will be created.

Vicky and Yana are aware that the children of today grow together with modern technologies, as they watch video content online. However, Bulgarian children first learn to count in English, because the beautiful educational animation films available online are mainly in English. Therefore, Yana and Vicky decided that Margaritka will offer original, high-quality 3D animated videos, stimulating the imagination of young children, entertaining and educating them in Bulgarian. They created joyful and smiling 3D characters such as Bibi, Mimi and Margaritka, who are featured in each of their videos with the idea that children will get to love them and recognize themselves in them, easily learning new things. So far, three videos have been produced for songs in the CD, but many more videos are yet to come featuring the faces of the three characters. They will teach children the numbers, letters, colours, shapes, as well as everyday activities from their lives such as "washing your teeth", "eating", "going to sleep", and "dressing".

Vicky and Yana created Margaritka out of their love for children, music and the pure and innocent children's smiles. The two mothers believe that nowadays, all parents should find a way to their children through new technologies, while not forgetting that they are children first and utmost.

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