SANS identified the three expelees by their initials:…
On Wednesday, Atanas Atanasov of CC-DB stepped down…
The amendments broadens the range of entities obliged…
The animals were unloaded in Sofia Zoo's Giants Hall…
On Monday, the protesters were located at 40 key traffic…
CC-DB deputy Yordan Ivanov told reporters in the corridors…
The protests were provoked by the lifting of a ban…
The appointment follows the resignation of Mariya…
The National Association "United Farmers"…
In pursuit of the two fugitives, warning shots were…
On Saturday, Denkov said: "In the last couple…
On Saturday, the NGPA refused a meeting with the Prime…
The jury members gathered in Athens and deliberated…
The post was vacated earlier this year by Mariya Gabriel,…
Special attention was paid on the role of the historical…