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News in English

24 авг 2020

“Today we make history”, Premier Borissov told his…

24 авг 2020

745 people are receiving medical treatment in hospitals

23 авг 2020

He is in good health condition and does not need hospital…

23 авг 2020

The PM wrote on Facebook on occasion of the European…

23 авг 2020

Cases seen with children are less severe than those…

23 авг 2020

40 patients have recovered from the virus in the past…

22 авг 2020

Tsveta Karayancheva attended the unveiling of the…

22 авг 2020

The most new cases have been registered in Sofia -…

22 авг 2020

A 60 sq/m flag, was placed next to the Monument of…

21 авг 2020

In all other cases, entry into the territory of Serbia…

21 авг 2020

The lack of medical staff in the Bulgarian hospitals…

21 авг 2020

Bulgaria-Serbia border is strictly guarded by the…

21 авг 2020

It was registered at 1 PM local time

21 авг 2020

156 patients have been cured in the last 24 hours

20 авг 2020

The envisaged contract with CureVac would provide…