News in English

News in English

02 дек 2020

A National Vaccination Plan is to be drawn up by Thursday

02 дек 2020

By the end of 2021, a new state body will be created…

02 дек 2020

153 people died of COVID-19 complications

01 дек 2020

This year the event took place without the traditional…

01 дек 2020

During the 2019-2020 campaign, the sum of BGN 2,460,000…

01 дек 2020

It becomes 9%

01 дек 2020

457 patients are in intensive care units

30 ное 2020

The cured patients for the last 24 hours are 815

30 ное 2020

In the folk calendar Andreevden is associated with…

29 ное 2020

36.3% of the PCR tests have returned positive

28 ное 2020

They will receive BGN 24 per day

28 ное 2020

There are now 89,535 officially registered active…

27 ное 2020

Schools, kindergartens, malls to be closed

27 ное 2020

According to Dimitrov the dams must reach 70-75% of…

27 ное 2020

He warned that the policy for dams was seriously lagging…