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That shows data from the last census
The population of Bulgaria was 6, 519,789 as of September 7, 2021, data fronm the last census of the National Statistical Institute shows.
There are 3, 383, 527 women (51.9% of the population) and 3,136,262 men (48.1% of the population).
Bulgaria's population has decreased by 11.5% (844,781 people) in the past ten years. That is the result from the higher mortality and the external migration.
23.5% of the population is aged 65 and above. More than 4 million people are aged 15 to 64.
A total of 4,782,064 people live in 257 towns and the homes of other 1,737,725 people are in 5,000 villages.
Редактор: Маргарита Стоянчева