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Reynders described the meeting with Denkov as very beneficial
The fight with corruption should be in the focus of attention in Bulgaria, European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders said here on Thursday. He was speaking at a joint news conference with Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov after the two discussed current topics in the field of justice in Bulgaria.
Reynders described the meeting with Denkov as very beneficial. The European Commission supports the reforms in Bulgaria, considering important the reforms in the Constitution, the greater accountability of the prosecutor general, the fight with corruption, and the creation of a functioning counter-corruption commission. Conducting these reforms will take time but it is important to work with all interested parties that could provide help and recommendation. "It is clear that we should work and look in the same direction," he added.
The Commissioner expressed satisfaction with the existence of institutions in Bulgaria interested in conducting all these investigations into corruption. Thanks to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, the country is heading down this road, Reynders noted.
Rule of law is a task that should be met in all 27 Member States, he went on to say. Rule of law should be upheld so that it would serve as a good example to the countries wishing to join the EU.
Taking a journalist's question, Reynders said that there are many ongoing cases related to EU funds at the European Public Prosecutor's Office. There are no such cases and convictions in Bulgaria, he added, and recommended a check into possible pressure having been exerted to stop such cases in this country. Judges and prosecutors should work in such a way that these investigations be brought before the court, he argued.
The guest later took part in a discussion on the European Commission's 2023 Rule of Law Repor at the parliamentary Committee on EU Affairs, the Schengen Area and the Еuro Area. Commenting on the independence of the Judiciary, Reynders said that additional steps should be taken to ensure the judges' independence. The 2024 report is being elaborated, and it will take into view the steps Bulgaria took last year regarding the members of the Supreme Judicial Council and the constitutional reform, he said.
Редактор: Тони Господинов