Photo: Achive
The decision increases the poverty line by BGN 22 or 4.4%
The Council of Ministers set the poverty line for 2024 at BGN 526, Labour and Social Policy Minister Ivanka Shalapatova said at a briefing after the government adopted the decision on Wednesday.
The decision increases the poverty line by BGN 22 or 4.4%.
With the increase in the poverty line for 2024, the social assistance under the Social Assistance Act, the financial support under the Persons with Disabilities Act, the financial support and funds for prevention and reintegration, the raising of a child with relatives and close ones, as well as the raising of a child in a foster family under the Child Protection Act will also increase, the minister explained.
Shalapatova pointed out that following today's government decision, the scope of people receiving old-age pension will be expanded.
The higher poverty line will also increase social support for vulnerable groups, as a greater number of people and families in need will receive support from the state, the social minister said.
Around 800,000 people from vulnerable groups will receive financial support at a higher rate in 2024 as a result of the increase in the poverty line. Over 672,000 people above the age of 18 are to be provided financial support under the Disability Act next year. Under the Social Assistance Act, the assistance will reach 123,508 people in 2024, she said.
Funds for support under the Social Assistance Act are to increase by BGN 75.6 million. For people with disabilities, there will be BGN 27.6 million more, and for financial assistance under the Child Protection Act, the funds will increase by one million, according to Shalapatova.
Редактор: Тони Господинов