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That show data the Institute for Social and Trade Union Studies at the CITUB
A working person living alone needed 726 euros of net monthly income at the end of 2023 to cover basic needs. A three-member family of two employed people and a child needs EUR 1,307 per month, the Institute for Social and Trade Union Studies at the CITUB reported.
Compared to the end of 2022, the sums increase by 44 euro for a person and by 79 euro for a family. Over 1.6 million Bulgarians receive remuneration below the wage needed for normal living, the president of the trade union, Plamen Dimitrov announced. "64.3% of all working insured persons, receive payments that do not reach the level of salary needed for the sustenance of one person," Dimitrov said. CITUB Vice President Violeta Ivanova added that despite lower inflation, there was an annual rise of 7.2% in the prices of basic food products.
Редактор: Маргарита Стоянчева