Photo: BGNES
That was decided by the Parliament
A Council for Coordination of Policies for Bulgarians Abroad is being established. This will be a permanent advisory body to the Council of Ministers, the parliament decided during the second reading of changes to the Law on Bulgarians living outside Bulgaria.
The Council will coordinate the structures of the executive power for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the state policy towards the Bulgarian communities and their organizations abroad. It will coordinate the preservation and dissemination of the Bulgarian language and culture among the Bulgarian communities abroad. It will also monitor access to administrative services for Bulgarian citizens outside of the country. The council will direct and recommend measures for the reintegration of those returning to the country and for the protection of the rights and interests of Bulgarians abroad.
The work of the Council will be coordinated by a secretary. The chairman will be the prime minister or a minister appointed by him. Members of the Council will be the ministers of foreign affairs, justice, culture, social policy, internal affairs, education, e-government and the director of the Executive Agency for Bulgarians Abroad.
Редактор: Маргарита Стоянчева