Карикатури заляха мрежата за референдума в Турция
Вълна от карикатури заля социалните мрежи, след като стана ясно, че 51% от гласувалите на референдума в Турция са подкрепили промените в Констутуцията, с които се дава много повече власт на президента Реджеп Ердоган.
Някои сравняват Ердоган с Хитлер, други наричат победата "Пирова", а трети припомнят колко много се е променил южната ни съседка през последните 10 години.
#POLITICAL #WORM #Erdogan choosing power over #Democracy! UTTER #DICTATOR! #BBC #SKY #CNN #FOX #UK #USA #EU #TURKEY #NEWS #RT #TURKISH pic.twitter.com/SRHYyROJcU
— SUPPORTING BREXIT! (@EUVoteLeave23rd) April 17, 2017
This referendum is Erdogan's Pyrrhic victory. He may have somehow won the battle but suffered irreplaceable casualty.
— Barbarossa (@BarbarossaKaya) April 17, 2017
Half of Turkey united pic.twitter.com/rgIJFpRJqO
Turkey 2020 #Turkeyreferendum pic.twitter.com/du3KCIlDFl
— Jack Dawkins (@JackDawkinsAD) April 16, 2017
Believe in freedom. Vote NO. #HAYIR
— Dani Martínez (@Tolhildan07) April 16, 2017
Do not give more power to this dictator#Turkeyreferendum pic.twitter.com/JFek1kcyCs
Democratic people of #Turkey you have the power in your hands. Vote #NO ! Do not give this dictator more powers ! #HAYIR #Turkeyreferendum pic.twitter.com/zEKVqpnc7Q
— Δημήτρης Ντόντης (@Dimitris_Dodis) April 14, 2017
Referandum of Turkey pic.twitter.com/uXmBZc0ggp
— Socrates/KAHVE (@ihsanaciksoz) April 16, 2017
Journalism is not a crime:
— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) April 14, 2017
Moving new @LatuffCartoons cartoon for #FreeTurkeyMedia campaign demanding the release of journalists in #Turkey pic.twitter.com/yqkTCTcjU6
RIP Turkey, 1921 – 2017 https://t.co/TubiirJKby
— SmartBot (@SmartBot7) April 17, 2017
@RT_Erdogan #Dutch #Parliament talk about #dictatorship #Turkey,forget 204 years #suppressors off their own country! https://t.co/fUgF3s74Rk pic.twitter.com/i4Cvf1Tiix
— אֱלֹקִים-propheta (@3X6prophet) April 17, 2017
From the most progressive Muslim country to another Islamist shithole in under a decade.#Turkeyreferendum #turkey #erdogans #fail pic.twitter.com/3uzgJHPDDf
— delicanis (@delicanis) April 17, 2017
Erdogan is well on his way to becoming a Dictator. And voters in Turkey just gave him a huge assist. https://t.co/rxpnJe6Ijh
— RNR Social Community (@RNRTogether) April 17, 2017
Редактор: Красимира КръстеваThe Great(er) Dictator #Turkije #Turkey #Turkeyreferendum #Erdogan pic.twitter.com/KvV6oerY6w
— Mathilde van Vliet (@MathildevVliet) April 17, 2017