In a best-case scenario, 1.5 million Bulgarians will be vaccinated by August
In a best-case scenario, 1.5 million Bulgarians will be vaccinated by August, Director of the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Professor Todor Kantardzhiev said for NOVA. The side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines are similar to the flu vaccines' side effects, Professor Kantardzhiev contends.
867 new COVID-19 cases reported
Professor Kantardzhiev was asked about the Russian vaccine and whether Bulgaria could buy it. "In order for a drug to be registered in Bulgaria, the manufacturer must submit documents to the Bulgarian Drug Agency. However, Bulgaria does not need the Russian vaccine at this point, because the EU has ordered sufficient quantities for Bulgaria", Professor Kantardzhiev went on to say.
Редактор: Тони Господинов