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"Bulgaria proves that it is a barrier to the spread of narcotic substances”, wrote Ivan Geshev
Nearly 400 kilograms of heroin were seized in an operation of the District Prosecutor’s Office- Varna, the Chief Directorate Combatting Organized Crime and this country’s Customs Agency, Bulgaria’s Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev announced on Twitter.
Задържано е огромно количество наркотици – близо 400 кг. хероин на стойност около 32 млн. лв. Браво за добрата работа на колегите от ОП-Варна, ГДБОП и Агенция „Митници“, които отново защитиха нашите деца. България показва, че е солидна преграда срещу наркоразпространението❗️ pic.twitter.com/9pJxqdx0XB
— Ivan Geshev (@IvanGeshevPG) February 16, 2021
“A large quantity of heroine estimated at nearly EUR 16 million has been seized. Well done to our colleagues who have protected our children again. Bulgaria proves that it is a barrier to the spread of narcotic substances”, wrote Ivan Geshev.
At the beginning of February, the Bulgarian authorities and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration intercepted an international crime group and seized more than 20 kilograms of heroin.
Редактор: Тони Господинов