Meliad Farah and Hassan El Hajj Hassan will serve their sentence under a special regime and will pay civil claims for non-material damage suffered
Life sentence without the possibility of parole – that is the sentence handed down by the Specialized Criminal Court on the bombers from Sarafovo airport in Burgas who were ruled accessories to the suicide bomber.
Meliad Farah and Hassan El Hajj Hassan will serve their sentence under a special regime and will pay civil claims for non-material damage suffered.
On 12 July, 2012 a bus full of Israeli tourists who had just landed at the airport in Bourgas was blown up in a terrorist attack. Five Israeli tourists were killed in the blood bath, as well as the bus driver – a Bulgarian citizen, and the bomber. Almost 40 people were injured.
Four years later the two Lebanese citizens were handed over to the court and accused of being accessories to the terrorist act.