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A National Vaccination Plan is to be drawn up by Thursday
At a briefing today, Bulgaria's Minister of Health Prof. Kostadin Angelov, the Chairman of the National Coronavirus Response Operational Staff Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski and the Chief State Health Inspector Angel Kunchev presented Bulgaria's National Plan or Pandemic Preparedness, adopted at today's government meeting.
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The plan is general in nature and will be valid for all possible pandemics. It provides basic guidelines for interrupting the epidemic process, procuring vaccines, the normal functioning of the state, as well as the messages that will be sent to the population, Kunchev said.
Minister Angelov has reaffirmed that the vaccines that Bulgarians will receive are the same that will be received by citizens of other EU member states, and will be administered voluntarily and free of charge for Bulgarian citizens.
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A National Vaccination Plan is to be drawn up by Thursday, which will be presented at the next government meeting.
The first vaccines are expected by the end of this year or the beginning of next year. By the end of this week, 4 refrigerators will be provided for the first delivery of the Pfizer vaccine. The General Director of the Bulgarian Red Cross, Prof. Krassimir Gigov, has been appointed as coordinator of the National Vaccination Plan.