The village of Bukovlak has a population of 4,500 residents
The Bulgarian village of Bukovlak, Pleven district, was placed under partial quarantine in implementation of the strategy to master the COVID-19 clusters. The number of local residents infected with the novel coronavirus rose to 24 in two days only. 4 new cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed today.
COVID-19: Recoveries exceed the newly-confirmed cases in past 24 hours
Wearing of face masks on all public places becomes mandatory again in this village. Mass testing for COVID-19 of the village residents begins. The authorities will strictly control the people placed under quarantine after it became clear that several residents diagnosed with coronavirus were walking freely in the village streets.
Updated anti-epidemic measures in place as of today
The village of Bukovlak has a population of 4,500 residents. It is located 5 kilometers north of the town of Pleven. Mayor Rossen Rusanov called Gendarmerie and demanded Police checkpoints in the village after the squabble between violators of COVID-19 measures and other village residents.